No matter if you develop for ASP, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla or just PHP, a developer needs a test site/server to develop their sites. Developing live on the actual site is never a good idea no matter the size of the site. That is where XAMPP comes in, XAMPP is a personal test server you […]
Does Your Brand Need An Insta Fix?
Instagram is now giving social media marketers across the country a run for their money. Are you new to Instagram? Check out the infographic below to give your Instagram strategy a jump start. For all small business owners, what marketing strategies have you used on Instagram that have worked great for your company? By implementing the […]
Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design, fluid designs and other buzz phrases have been thrown around lately. Some may wonder what they mean or what is the reasoning behind it all. Years ago, before tablets and smart phones became super popular, most web sites were designed for full size desktop screens. These older sites ranged in pixel width, […]